Thursday, June 25, 2009


im so glad summer is here.
a quick catch up:
i got back from vacation a week ago. it was heaven on earth for me :)
softball has been ... ehh
i just got over some food poisioning which completey sucked jaimies balls.
and transformers two was a bit of a let down . there was all this hype for the movie and it wasnt that good. idk i like worship the first movie and the second one was missing something.
what else?? idk life is pretty boring as of now. oh im finally leaving my house today for something other than softball which is great. I cant wait jaimie tasha and i are going to the beach today ... im getting my social life back YES!!
anywhooooo.. ill blog later... maybe? :P

Monday, June 8, 2009

Cat In The Hat blog(or cat and the hat, which i thought it was until proven wrong at the age of 16) rotflmao

anyyywhooo.. i hope you're done laughing at the title of this blog .. because sadly its true.. i didn't realize it was "in" until one of my besties -jaimie- pointed it out when she heard me say "and" i honestly didn't even care its not that big of a difference but i guess cat in the hat makes more since than cat and the hat... ahhh what you can get away with by being blonde. Now down to business!

So i picked option two, which was the evaluative essay. The character I'm going to write this blog about is the cat.
I believe that the Cat is dominated by the id. The id is defined as the part of the personality that contains our primitive impulses. Its the desire for instant gratification. The id is led by want and our pleasure principle. The id can be referred to as a devil on someones shoulder. In a nut-shell the id controls us and its our desire for self gratification at no expense on how it will effect others around us. The id simply doesn't care.
In the beginning of the book the cat busts rigth into the kids home. He just starts in with his "fun" not even asking if they think its okay. The fish says no but he ignores him just so he can have his "fun". This is a perfect example of how the cat just wants to have his fun and doesn't care about anyone else, much like the id. Throughout the middle of the book we see the Cat trashing their home by letting Thing 1 and Thing 2 out. Yet again, the cat is still having his fun but he doesn't care about the mess being made. He continues to keep having "fun"until the mother comes home. Towards the end of the book after thing one and thing two are captured we see the Cat change what personality he is dominated by. It was clear to see that while through the book with the Cat ignoring the fish telling him no, the children saying that having the cat at their house was a horrible situation, the cat letting thing one and two out to destroy their home,and their house getting trashed its safe to say that the cat didn't care about their home or the children all he wanted was to have some "fun". Towards the end we see the cat leave as the house is still a giant mess and the mom is almost home, but the cat comes back to help pick up his mess. This simple act changes him from the id to the superego. The superego is described as the part of us that represents our conscience. It helps to dictate whats rigth and wrong are and controls a person. Someone ruled by the superego is selfless and doesn't just act for themselves. We see this bog time when he comes back to help pick up their home before their mother walks in the door. I think its probably safe to say that anyone can change what psychoanalytical personality they might be dominated by.

well im pretty sure that answers all of the three parts :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

YEARBOOK!! and camping

yes we got our yearbooks today and yet again its kind of a let down but whatever..

school is basically over and we go camping this weekend and i cant wait!!

--- omg a car alarm keeps going off and nobody comes to shut it off for like fucking ever!!
omg DANE COOK lmao... i started singing the car alarm song. "...oil is my blood!, seatbelt, trunk space..." "oh that dane cook is a silly bitch" ... ROTFLMAO!!