Winter break is finaly HERE!!
im so excited that means two weeks of absoulutly nothing!!!
well execpt for my english oral but whatever and art ... other than that NOTHING!!! :P
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
im so glad summer is here.
a quick catch up:
i got back from vacation a week ago. it was heaven on earth for me :)
softball has been ... ehh
i just got over some food poisioning which completey sucked jaimies balls.
and transformers two was a bit of a let down . there was all this hype for the movie and it wasnt that good. idk i like worship the first movie and the second one was missing something.
what else?? idk life is pretty boring as of now. oh im finally leaving my house today for something other than softball which is great. I cant wait jaimie tasha and i are going to the beach today ... im getting my social life back YES!!
anywhooooo.. ill blog later... maybe? :P
a quick catch up:
i got back from vacation a week ago. it was heaven on earth for me :)
softball has been ... ehh
i just got over some food poisioning which completey sucked jaimies balls.
and transformers two was a bit of a let down . there was all this hype for the movie and it wasnt that good. idk i like worship the first movie and the second one was missing something.
what else?? idk life is pretty boring as of now. oh im finally leaving my house today for something other than softball which is great. I cant wait jaimie tasha and i are going to the beach today ... im getting my social life back YES!!
anywhooooo.. ill blog later... maybe? :P
Monday, June 8, 2009
Cat In The Hat blog(or cat and the hat, which i thought it was until proven wrong at the age of 16) rotflmao
anyyywhooo.. i hope you're done laughing at the title of this blog .. because sadly its true.. i didn't realize it was "in" until one of my besties -jaimie- pointed it out when she heard me say "and" i honestly didn't even care its not that big of a difference but i guess cat in the hat makes more since than cat and the hat... ahhh what you can get away with by being blonde. Now down to business!
So i picked option two, which was the evaluative essay. The character I'm going to write this blog about is the cat.
I believe that the Cat is dominated by the id. The id is defined as the part of the personality that contains our primitive impulses. Its the desire for instant gratification. The id is led by want and our pleasure principle. The id can be referred to as a devil on someones shoulder. In a nut-shell the id controls us and its our desire for self gratification at no expense on how it will effect others around us. The id simply doesn't care.
In the beginning of the book the cat busts rigth into the kids home. He just starts in with his "fun" not even asking if they think its okay. The fish says no but he ignores him just so he can have his "fun". This is a perfect example of how the cat just wants to have his fun and doesn't care about anyone else, much like the id. Throughout the middle of the book we see the Cat trashing their home by letting Thing 1 and Thing 2 out. Yet again, the cat is still having his fun but he doesn't care about the mess being made. He continues to keep having "fun"until the mother comes home. Towards the end of the book after thing one and thing two are captured we see the Cat change what personality he is dominated by. It was clear to see that while through the book with the Cat ignoring the fish telling him no, the children saying that having the cat at their house was a horrible situation, the cat letting thing one and two out to destroy their home,and their house getting trashed its safe to say that the cat didn't care about their home or the children all he wanted was to have some "fun". Towards the end we see the cat leave as the house is still a giant mess and the mom is almost home, but the cat comes back to help pick up his mess. This simple act changes him from the id to the superego. The superego is described as the part of us that represents our conscience. It helps to dictate whats rigth and wrong are and controls a person. Someone ruled by the superego is selfless and doesn't just act for themselves. We see this bog time when he comes back to help pick up their home before their mother walks in the door. I think its probably safe to say that anyone can change what psychoanalytical personality they might be dominated by.
well im pretty sure that answers all of the three parts :)
So i picked option two, which was the evaluative essay. The character I'm going to write this blog about is the cat.
I believe that the Cat is dominated by the id. The id is defined as the part of the personality that contains our primitive impulses. Its the desire for instant gratification. The id is led by want and our pleasure principle. The id can be referred to as a devil on someones shoulder. In a nut-shell the id controls us and its our desire for self gratification at no expense on how it will effect others around us. The id simply doesn't care.
In the beginning of the book the cat busts rigth into the kids home. He just starts in with his "fun" not even asking if they think its okay. The fish says no but he ignores him just so he can have his "fun". This is a perfect example of how the cat just wants to have his fun and doesn't care about anyone else, much like the id. Throughout the middle of the book we see the Cat trashing their home by letting Thing 1 and Thing 2 out. Yet again, the cat is still having his fun but he doesn't care about the mess being made. He continues to keep having "fun"until the mother comes home. Towards the end of the book after thing one and thing two are captured we see the Cat change what personality he is dominated by. It was clear to see that while through the book with the Cat ignoring the fish telling him no, the children saying that having the cat at their house was a horrible situation, the cat letting thing one and two out to destroy their home,and their house getting trashed its safe to say that the cat didn't care about their home or the children all he wanted was to have some "fun". Towards the end we see the cat leave as the house is still a giant mess and the mom is almost home, but the cat comes back to help pick up his mess. This simple act changes him from the id to the superego. The superego is described as the part of us that represents our conscience. It helps to dictate whats rigth and wrong are and controls a person. Someone ruled by the superego is selfless and doesn't just act for themselves. We see this bog time when he comes back to help pick up their home before their mother walks in the door. I think its probably safe to say that anyone can change what psychoanalytical personality they might be dominated by.
well im pretty sure that answers all of the three parts :)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
YEARBOOK!! and camping
yes we got our yearbooks today and yet again its kind of a let down but whatever..
school is basically over and we go camping this weekend and i cant wait!!
--- omg a car alarm keeps going off and nobody comes to shut it off for like fucking ever!!
omg DANE COOK lmao... i started singing the car alarm song. "...oil is my blood!, seatbelt, trunk space..." "oh that dane cook is a silly bitch" ... ROTFLMAO!!
school is basically over and we go camping this weekend and i cant wait!!
--- omg a car alarm keeps going off and nobody comes to shut it off for like fucking ever!!
omg DANE COOK lmao... i started singing the car alarm song. "...oil is my blood!, seatbelt, trunk space..." "oh that dane cook is a silly bitch" ... ROTFLMAO!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Finally my internet isnt being a sklut!! (skank and a slut) :)
- How is Persepolis organized and structured? How is her childhood emphasized and describe the drawings…
Well to start off the book Persepolis is organized into a graphic novel. She, Marji being the main character of the book, narrates the novel. You see the very key parts of her childhood that made her how she is today. Every picture shows you something that Marji learned from someone in her family, a major or minor event, or a story told by someone. She centers almost this entire book on the war and how it has impacted her as a child. She really emphasizes her curiosity I think. The drawings add to the narrative of the story by showing you what’s actually happening. The saying a picture is worth a thousands words pops into my mind. The pictures are a vital part of this story, they help make it a little more real.
- What kinds of captivity and freedom does the author explore in Persopolis? What prevents from being free and how do they defy the rules?
I think that all of the rules and restrictions they have to live by show the type of captivity in this novel. People are not free to say what they want because if they have the “wrong” opinion then they will get punished. The freedom you see in this book is self-created. By the people rebelling and living their normal lives is the only freedom we see. Having all of the rules and restrictions is what I think prevents them from being free. When they do rebel they do so in small secretive acts. Examples of small secretive acts would be going to parties, listening to banned music, and drinking alcohol. Some of the other things they do that are a little more public are their protests they go to and the women wearing the veils showing a little bit of hair. They try very hard to keep doing these small acts of rebellion because if they didn’t then they would all be the same and life would be boring and there would be no point.
- “In spite of everything, kids were trying to look hip, even under risk of arrest”. How did they do this? What would I have done?
Well Marji for example wore punk clothes and loved punk music. She even went down to the black market and bought tapes of Camel and Kim Wilde. Her parents even encouraged it. They smuggled illegal things in for her from Turkey. She went to her parent’s parties and even went to one rally. If I had been in her position I think I would have rebelled too. I couldn’t see giving things up that meant so much to me just cause some idiot didn’t like it. I mean seriously. I would have rebelled and I think my parents would have supported it to some degree as well. Just as long as I didn’t get caught id be fine just fine. LMAO. Some acts of rebellion as a teen?? Lets see, well I don’t do a whole lot of rebelling. There are small things I disagree with and I think are stupid. Like for one not being able to bring in a bag for gym… you have to carry your clothes. Geez I didn’t stop carrying my bag. Ummm .. not having cell phones in school, really in a time like today do they really expect kids to listen to that. Idk there are small things all the time that I guess I rebel against but nothing to huge or nothing that will get me in huge trouble. And plus if I did get in some type of trouble it would be for me sticking my ground and I could care less if that happened. Satrapi is just like a normal kid because all she’s doing is telling her story from her point of view so that others will know what happened.
Well to start off the book Persepolis is organized into a graphic novel. She, Marji being the main character of the book, narrates the novel. You see the very key parts of her childhood that made her how she is today. Every picture shows you something that Marji learned from someone in her family, a major or minor event, or a story told by someone. She centers almost this entire book on the war and how it has impacted her as a child. She really emphasizes her curiosity I think. The drawings add to the narrative of the story by showing you what’s actually happening. The saying a picture is worth a thousands words pops into my mind. The pictures are a vital part of this story, they help make it a little more real.
- What kinds of captivity and freedom does the author explore in Persopolis? What prevents from being free and how do they defy the rules?
I think that all of the rules and restrictions they have to live by show the type of captivity in this novel. People are not free to say what they want because if they have the “wrong” opinion then they will get punished. The freedom you see in this book is self-created. By the people rebelling and living their normal lives is the only freedom we see. Having all of the rules and restrictions is what I think prevents them from being free. When they do rebel they do so in small secretive acts. Examples of small secretive acts would be going to parties, listening to banned music, and drinking alcohol. Some of the other things they do that are a little more public are their protests they go to and the women wearing the veils showing a little bit of hair. They try very hard to keep doing these small acts of rebellion because if they didn’t then they would all be the same and life would be boring and there would be no point.
- “In spite of everything, kids were trying to look hip, even under risk of arrest”. How did they do this? What would I have done?
Well Marji for example wore punk clothes and loved punk music. She even went down to the black market and bought tapes of Camel and Kim Wilde. Her parents even encouraged it. They smuggled illegal things in for her from Turkey. She went to her parent’s parties and even went to one rally. If I had been in her position I think I would have rebelled too. I couldn’t see giving things up that meant so much to me just cause some idiot didn’t like it. I mean seriously. I would have rebelled and I think my parents would have supported it to some degree as well. Just as long as I didn’t get caught id be fine just fine. LMAO. Some acts of rebellion as a teen?? Lets see, well I don’t do a whole lot of rebelling. There are small things I disagree with and I think are stupid. Like for one not being able to bring in a bag for gym… you have to carry your clothes. Geez I didn’t stop carrying my bag. Ummm .. not having cell phones in school, really in a time like today do they really expect kids to listen to that. Idk there are small things all the time that I guess I rebel against but nothing to huge or nothing that will get me in huge trouble. And plus if I did get in some type of trouble it would be for me sticking my ground and I could care less if that happened. Satrapi is just like a normal kid because all she’s doing is telling her story from her point of view so that others will know what happened.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Persepolis Blog
Yes we have moved on to a new book. So no more talk on consumerism and all that other "good"stuff.
Before i get started id like to say my trip to the U of M totally blew and was a major let down ..ughh.. whatever now on to more important matters. DUN DUN DUNNNN!! oh and yeah its kind of last minute but i just woke up.. oops. it was still posted before 12 so i win :)
--Written as a memoir... more powerful then fiction?
I think that any type of non-fictional books are more powerful then fictional writing. We know that what we are reading has actually happened and good or bad i think we can all connect to the text in some way even if we don't want to. With fictional writing i also think that yes you can connect but we know that whatever it was didn't happen with a real person in real life. We can always make ourselves feel better when reading fiction because we make up what we wanted to happen and everything works out perfectly but with non-fiction you really cant. The only other memoirs i have read was the series of A Child Called "It". That series of books is so freaking powerful because you read about this boy and how his mother nearly killed him and you cant help but feel bad for him and while i was reading it there was nothing to say that could make me feel better. Comparing this to other books i have read that have been fiction, if something is going horribly wrong then i can always make something up for myself. I think its really good to write memoirs because it tells a true story that can only be told by one person. Its a part of history.
--Describe the writers voice... how did it affect my reading experience?
I really liked how this book was set up. The writing style was young enough for me not to be bored with reading, yet it was mature enough at the same time so it wasn't like reading a book written by a four year old trying to tell this big important story (which we all hate listening to a four year old retell his day when he stumbles over every word and half of the damn story doesn't make sense.. or is that just me and the kids i listen to??). I really did have some connections with Marji's character. Her character asked lots of question concerning things she wanted to know more about or didn't understand fully, she was very naive at some points in the story but she was super observant. She noticed every little detail and analyzed everything, never really just taking somebodies word for it always having to make sure for herself. Which is something i do all the time and i never really understand why I'm so untrustworthy of people its a bad quality... But having all of these connections with the character made my reading easier but harder at the same time. Because it was easy o connect with i could put myself in her shoes but with the context of the story that kind of sucked...
--What ways does Persepolis tell stories and comment on importance of stories in our lives?
I believe that stories are a HUGE part of our lives. Your entire past is one big story and its important to know about it. Not only does your past help shape who you are but your other relatives have a past who helped shape them. Since they were shaped by their past and they are apart of your past/life its important to know about all of their pasts and what they went through. Its like a never ending circle. When Marji heard all of the stories of her uncle Anoosh, and her grandfathers story, and her mothers story of growing up it gave her insight to how those around her A)survived through any obstacle they had and B)shaped them and made them who they are today. Its important to know these types of things because you can learn from these past experiences and it can make you a better person.
Before i get started id like to say my trip to the U of M totally blew and was a major let down ..ughh.. whatever now on to more important matters. DUN DUN DUNNNN!! oh and yeah its kind of last minute but i just woke up.. oops. it was still posted before 12 so i win :)
--Written as a memoir... more powerful then fiction?
I think that any type of non-fictional books are more powerful then fictional writing. We know that what we are reading has actually happened and good or bad i think we can all connect to the text in some way even if we don't want to. With fictional writing i also think that yes you can connect but we know that whatever it was didn't happen with a real person in real life. We can always make ourselves feel better when reading fiction because we make up what we wanted to happen and everything works out perfectly but with non-fiction you really cant. The only other memoirs i have read was the series of A Child Called "It". That series of books is so freaking powerful because you read about this boy and how his mother nearly killed him and you cant help but feel bad for him and while i was reading it there was nothing to say that could make me feel better. Comparing this to other books i have read that have been fiction, if something is going horribly wrong then i can always make something up for myself. I think its really good to write memoirs because it tells a true story that can only be told by one person. Its a part of history.
--Describe the writers voice... how did it affect my reading experience?
I really liked how this book was set up. The writing style was young enough for me not to be bored with reading, yet it was mature enough at the same time so it wasn't like reading a book written by a four year old trying to tell this big important story (which we all hate listening to a four year old retell his day when he stumbles over every word and half of the damn story doesn't make sense.. or is that just me and the kids i listen to??). I really did have some connections with Marji's character. Her character asked lots of question concerning things she wanted to know more about or didn't understand fully, she was very naive at some points in the story but she was super observant. She noticed every little detail and analyzed everything, never really just taking somebodies word for it always having to make sure for herself. Which is something i do all the time and i never really understand why I'm so untrustworthy of people its a bad quality... But having all of these connections with the character made my reading easier but harder at the same time. Because it was easy o connect with i could put myself in her shoes but with the context of the story that kind of sucked...
--What ways does Persepolis tell stories and comment on importance of stories in our lives?
I believe that stories are a HUGE part of our lives. Your entire past is one big story and its important to know about it. Not only does your past help shape who you are but your other relatives have a past who helped shape them. Since they were shaped by their past and they are apart of your past/life its important to know about all of their pasts and what they went through. Its like a never ending circle. When Marji heard all of the stories of her uncle Anoosh, and her grandfathers story, and her mothers story of growing up it gave her insight to how those around her A)survived through any obstacle they had and B)shaped them and made them who they are today. Its important to know these types of things because you can learn from these past experiences and it can make you a better person.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Visual Essay
before i start i want to say sorry for this being meg late lol :) well enjoy :) ...
Alrighty so where to start.. I chose this picture because it immediately reminded me of the book. This is how i imagined them looking; sick like on the verge dying, not to mention pretty damn stupid looking, and the feed screaming so many different things at them at the same time. This picture was perfect.

This picture represents the kinds of advertisements thrown at us everyday. Companies provide these "deals" which of course just make us buy more because we think its better.

First off, squint to see the picture more clearly if you can't see it now. You can see a whole bunch of brand and company names in the body. Okay. I really liked this picture because it explains what consumerism is; it is and illusion that we are drawn in by time after time. We see something and want it so we buy it but what we get isn't really what we saw. The product is shown as perfection and companies don't show any of the flaws because if they did we wouldn't want it. But yet we keep buying and buying. We just never learn. Yes, it is free choice of what we want or "need" but not necessarily. Companies will sell a version of one item and then sell a new version not months later and you must have the new version or youre just not good enough, its not your choice. There is a ton of pressure involved.
While surfing for pictures to help get my message across I found these three comic strips. If you take the time to visit these links this further proves my last thought from the previous picture.
The reason i didn't put these in my blog directly is because they were not clear at all. But go have a look. :) They're funny in that oh-my-god-that-was-so-stupid kind of way. :)
I'm glad I found these two pictures I think they tell the perfect story of consumerism. We buy and buy more then we actually need and think we need more but in the end we never needed it at all and we end up "throwing it up". We get rid of what we never actually needed. What a waste...

Reflection part:
I guess the message of this blog is to show that the idea of consumerism is horrible. My blog focused more on the anti-consumerism topic because to me there is no good aspect of consumerism. You spend all this money to buy things you don't really actually need just to be trendy or simply because you want it. But there really isn't away around buying things. You need to buy things to A) live and B) not be bored off your ass all the time. I chose all you those picture because they all prove a strong point about consumerism and why in my opinion its horrible especially if you cant control yourself. Throughout my life my family has helped me the most develop the values that i have today about some of the topics in FEED some of them include consumerism, individuality or conformity, and media. My family has always told me to be a "smart shopper"-only buy what i absolutely need and every once and a while its okay to go on a little spree just as long as i don't let it get out of hand. I mean money is there for you to use it but not to waste it. I try to stick to being a "smart shopper" but sometimes its nice to know that because i have been a "smart shopper" i can buy more what i want than what i may actually just need. With individuality vs. conformity my family has always told me to be myself and to never change for others. I think its such a vital lesson that some people just don't know, which is really sad. I think its stupid to change yourself for others and if your not going to just be yourself in life then really whats the point.
Friday, May 1, 2009
second feed blog ;)
So this is the second blog for the book FEED. This book keeps getting better and better. I love the new points that the book keeps bringing up and how the characters are developing its pretty fantastical (yes it's a word, don't question me) right now. :) anywhoo now to the prompts...
----The feed is described as knowing what you need before you do-is this really what the feed is doing?
--I believe that the feed is advertising to them what it believes they will want before they know they want it but I also believe that because the feed is doing this it had shaped them into a personality that's easier for it to advertise to. The only way the feed really "knows" what they want before they know it is because the feed has shaped them into liking what it chooses for them. So i guess the feed does know what you want or need before the actual person does but only because the feed has created your personality like that, so technically it's not your personality and you might not actually want that. If the feed was used to try to guess what a new person wanted or needed it would probably be wrong because it hasn't had a chance to shape their personality yet.
----The author dedicates the book "to those who resist the feed." What does he mean by this? What is "the feed," in a real-life context, and how can it be resisted? What are the benefits and drawbacks of doing so? In what ways do you "resist the feed"?
--I think he means those who are always themselves and who don't get sucked into all of these influences that are around today. In my opinion i believe that the feed is referring to all of the advertisements in society today. We see advertisements for EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING there is EVERYWHERE and we see all of these different ways to advertise now-and-days. We see it on the Internet, in the paper, on TV, in movies, billboards, music, etc. I think it's important to resist it. By resisting in and making your own decisions your more of a real person not just somebody who agrees with what somebody else says or does what everyone else does. It's crucial to be yourself otherwise you fit in with the crowd and nobody will every notice you or care because your just like a billion other people and then whats the point to even try. I think it's quite sad to see but it happens. I think by doing my own thing, THINKING FOR MYSELF, making my OWN decisions can help me and anyone else not be sucked into all of the advertisements we see on a daily basis.

I liked this picture because its a good picture to represent standing out from the crowd. The one standing out is smiling and all happy and bright and the other ones who all look the same are sad and dull. idk i like this example :)
----“This is my project.” Explain Violet’s “project” (p.81+). What does her willingness to do this say about her personality? Do you know anyone like her? How are they like her? What does Titus’ response to her “project” say about him?
--Violets project is to create a personality by going into different stores and places and asking for the most random things she can think of and then the most random use for the object and then resist the urge to buy it. This "project" will confuse the feed so much that it will not be able to decide what is right to advertise to her, she will become "invisible"(page 98). I think this says a lot about her personality and how strongly she feels about resisting the feed. This proves that she doesn't want the feed to control her anymore and i think it also shows her natural curiosity about life. Violet's personality reminds me of a few of my friends personalities. They are very original and are very very very individualized individuals. They are so different from "normal" because they don't want to be like everyone else and they try to live by what they feel is right, they certainly lead themselves and don't follow others. They think for themselves and always take responsibility for their own actions. When I read the book i can almost picture them in her shoes. I believe how Titus responds to Violets project just proves that he follows along with things even though he doesn't know much about the entire situation.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
First Feed Blog :)
Okay so when I first started reading Feed By: M.T. Anderson I didn’t know what the hell was going on. But as I read more the book started to make sense and I started to understand the writing style more. Now when I read it I can put the damn book down. :) This week for the first blog I chose to just stick with three of the prompts. I hope its not to boring to read . :) oh and for my second prompt I actually put two of them together because I felt that my response sort of answered them both.. hope that’s okay , ENJOY! :)
Prompt1: “We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck”. How does this sentence set up the novel?
- I believe that this opening sentence sets up the novel in a way that gets our hopes up for something exciting and then its a HUGE let down. It gives the novel a very depressing feel. It also disappoints the reader as well. The feeling of disappointments stick throughout the beginning of the book. When they first arrive at the moon they cant get in to any of the "cool" places and their minibars were locked because they didn't have their fake ID's. On top of that their hotel that they're staying in "was a pretty crummy hotel"(page 9). Then when they were all excited that they were gonna get some "fancy nutrient IV" drink from room service they drink it and all get headache's. Then they decide to go to this club that's suppose to be super fun and cool and it turns out to be closed down. Throughout the book we see how there's all this hype for an activity and it all goes to hell. There's lots of little disappointments throughout the book with all the characters. One bigger disappointment we see is Violets trip to the moon, "he saved up for a year to send me. Then i went, and that stuff happened"(page 103). This was Violets first trip to the moon and she gets attacked by this weird hacker guy and it ruins her trip. The opening sentence sets up the entire mood of the book.
Prompt2: "What is it like on the moon? Why is it a popular destination for young people?” AND “Feed begins on a Friday, when out of boredom, a group of adolescents decide to spend Spring Break on the Moon at Ricochet Lounge. In what ways does this spring break compare with what you envision when you think of spring break?”
- As described in the book “…the moon turned out to completely suck”(page 3). “…the moon was just like it always is, after your first couple of times there, when you get over being like whoa… theres just the ro
ckiness, and the sickness, and the craters all being full of old broken shit, like domes nobody’s using anymore and wrappers and claws.”(page 4). I believe the moon was such a popular destination for them to go because it gave them a place to go when they wanted to get away from their normal home and all the same people they are around everyday. There are dance clubs on the moon and it low-grav. I think being away could have also given them a sense of freedom as well. They went there for spring break. When I think of spring break I think of just getting away from EVERYTHING. All I want to do on my spring break is have fun and forget about any of the problems that I might have at that time. When they decided to go to the moon they knew what they could expect because they had been there before and had lots of fun but after awhile the novelty wore off. It’s just like with me and my friends, we’ll be hanging out and we won’t know what to do so someone will be like “lets go to the park” and even though we have all been there like 9 million times we go anyway. I don’t necessarily think its about where you go I think its about who you go with and what you do when your there and I truly believe its about getting away from your normal day-to-day life.
Prompt3: “What do you notice about the language Anderson uses? What is his purpose for doing so? How is it effective?”
- When I first started reading this book the way it was written was very hard to follow. But as I read more of the book I began to understand why it was written like that. They way he writes make the characters sound very uneducated and there is a lot of futuristic slang, I guess. For example “meg limp” is translated into super lame or something else along those lines. They use the word “unit” in substitution for dude. When the characters talk you can tell when they are speaking for themselves or when the feed is speaking for them. When Titus first sees Violet I know what type of language he uses and when he says the word supple I automatically know it wasn’t him and that it was his feed. I believe Anderson writes like this to give the readers a little more insight on how uneducated these people are without their feeds and how much they rely on them. When I saw how the kids were talking with each other I assumed that the grown ups would sound a little more educated but I was wrong(sad face). I saw this when Titus’ father spoke to him in the hospital, “She’s like, whoa, she’s like so stressed out. This is…dude. Dude, this is some way bad shit”(page 55). I believe this is a very effective way to show us how much having a feed puts these people at such large disadvantages.
Prompt1: “We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck”. How does this sentence set up the novel?
- I believe that this opening sentence sets up the novel in a way that gets our hopes up for something exciting and then its a HUGE let down. It gives the novel a very depressing feel. It also disappoints the reader as well. The feeling of disappointments stick throughout the beginning of the book. When they first arrive at the moon they cant get in to any of the "cool" places and their minibars were locked because they didn't have their fake ID's. On top of that their hotel that they're staying in "was a pretty crummy hotel"(page 9). Then when they were all excited that they were gonna get some "fancy nutrient IV" drink from room service they drink it and all get headache's. Then they decide to go to this club that's suppose to be super fun and cool and it turns out to be closed down. Throughout the book we see how there's all this hype for an activity and it all goes to hell. There's lots of little disappointments throughout the book with all the characters. One bigger disappointment we see is Violets trip to the moon, "he saved up for a year to send me. Then i went, and that stuff happened"(page 103). This was Violets first trip to the moon and she gets attacked by this weird hacker guy and it ruins her trip. The opening sentence sets up the entire mood of the book.
Prompt2: "What is it like on the moon? Why is it a popular destination for young people?” AND “Feed begins on a Friday, when out of boredom, a group of adolescents decide to spend Spring Break on the Moon at Ricochet Lounge. In what ways does this spring break compare with what you envision when you think of spring break?”
- As described in the book “…the moon turned out to completely suck”(page 3). “…the moon was just like it always is, after your first couple of times there, when you get over being like whoa… theres just the ro

Prompt3: “What do you notice about the language Anderson uses? What is his purpose for doing so? How is it effective?”
- When I first started reading this book the way it was written was very hard to follow. But as I read more of the book I began to understand why it was written like that. They way he writes make the characters sound very uneducated and there is a lot of futuristic slang, I guess. For example “meg limp” is translated into super lame or something else along those lines. They use the word “unit” in substitution for dude. When the characters talk you can tell when they are speaking for themselves or when the feed is speaking for them. When Titus first sees Violet I know what type of language he uses and when he says the word supple I automatically know it wasn’t him and that it was his feed. I believe Anderson writes like this to give the readers a little more insight on how uneducated these people are without their feeds and how much they rely on them. When I saw how the kids were talking with each other I assumed that the grown ups would sound a little more educated but I was wrong(sad face). I saw this when Titus’ father spoke to him in the hospital, “She’s like, whoa, she’s like so stressed out. This is…dude. Dude, this is some way bad shit”(page 55). I believe this is a very effective way to show us how much having a feed puts these people at such large disadvantages.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
muahahah my blog cherry has been popped. idk uhh i know we didnt have to blog but i felt like i should. I cant wait for spring break and softball to really start! our first game got cancled because the feilds weren't ready.. so that really BLOWS!!! i cant wait for our next games. anywhooo thats it for now i guess. bye bye
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