----The feed is described as knowing what you need before you do-is this really what the feed is doing?
--I believe that the feed is advertising to them what it believes they will want before they know they want it but I also believe that because the feed is doing this it had shaped them into a personality that's easier for it to advertise to. The only way the feed really "knows" what they want before they know it is because the feed has shaped them into liking what it chooses for them. So i guess the feed does know what you want or need before the actual person does but only because the feed has created your personality like that, so technically it's not your personality and you might not actually want that. If the feed was used to try to guess what a new person wanted or needed it would probably be wrong because it hasn't had a chance to shape their personality yet.
----The author dedicates the book "to those who resist the feed." What does he mean by this? What is "the feed," in a real-life context, and how can it be resisted? What are the benefits and drawbacks of doing so? In what ways do you "resist the feed"?
--I think he means those who are always themselves and who don't get sucked into all of these influences that are around today. In my opinion i believe that the feed is referring to all of the advertisements in society today. We see advertisements for EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING there is EVERYWHERE and we see all of these different ways to advertise now-and-days. We see it on the Internet, in the paper, on TV, in movies, billboards, music, etc. I think it's important to resist it. By resisting in and making your own decisions your more of a real person not just somebody who agrees with what somebody else says or does what everyone else does. It's crucial to be yourself otherwise you fit in with the crowd and nobody will every notice you or care because your just like a billion other people and then whats the point to even try. I think it's quite sad to see but it happens. I think by doing my own thing, THINKING FOR MYSELF, making my OWN decisions can help me and anyone else not be sucked into all of the advertisements we see on a daily basis.

I liked this picture because its a good picture to represent standing out from the crowd. The one standing out is smiling and all happy and bright and the other ones who all look the same are sad and dull. idk i like this example :)
----“This is my project.” Explain Violet’s “project” (p.81+). What does her willingness to do this say about her personality? Do you know anyone like her? How are they like her? What does Titus’ response to her “project” say about him?
--Violets project is to create a personality by going into different stores and places and asking for the most random things she can think of and then the most random use for the object and then resist the urge to buy it. This "project" will confuse the feed so much that it will not be able to decide what is right to advertise to her, she will become "invisible"(page 98). I think this says a lot about her personality and how strongly she feels about resisting the feed. This proves that she doesn't want the feed to control her anymore and i think it also shows her natural curiosity about life. Violet's personality reminds me of a few of my friends personalities. They are very original and are very very very individualized individuals. They are so different from "normal" because they don't want to be like everyone else and they try to live by what they feel is right, they certainly lead themselves and don't follow others. They think for themselves and always take responsibility for their own actions. When I read the book i can almost picture them in her shoes. I believe how Titus responds to Violets project just proves that he follows along with things even though he doesn't know much about the entire situation.
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